- 2022-2023
- Scott & Sherri (Sims) Austin
- James Bonner
- Dennis Dahlman
- John L. Feldman
- First Baptist Church
- Michelle Rogers
- Andrew Rutter
- Sault Area High School Class of 1956
- Sault Area High School Class of 1962
- Sault Area High School Class of 1972
- Michael J. Thompson
- John & Cheryl Venious
- Tracy West
- 2022-2023
- Scott & Sherri (Sims) Austin
- James Bonner
- Dennis Dahlman
- John L. Feldman
- First Baptist Church
- Michelle Rogers
- Andrew Rutter
- Sault Area High School Class of 1956
- Sault Area High School Class of 1962
- Sault Area High School Class of 1972
- Michael J. Thompson
- John & Cheryl Venious
- Tracy West
- 2021-2022
- Scott & Sherri (Sims) Austin
- James Bonner
- Dennis Dahlman
- John L. Feldman
- First Baptist Church
- Michelle Rogers
- Andrew Rutter
- Sault Area High School Class of 1956
- Sault Area High School Class of 1962
- Sault Area High School Class of 1972
- Michael J. Thompson
- John & Cheryl Venious
- Tracy West
- 2020-2021
- Bernard & Colleen Arbic
- Theodore Bedore
- James Bonner
- Robert & Karen Brawley
- John L. Feldman
- First Baptist Church
- Mrs. Rosa Grout
- Thomas G. Robinson
- Thomas F. Robinson
- Kathy & Mel Starmer
- Michael J. Thompson
- John & Cheryl Venious
- Robert George Wescott
- 2019-2020
- James Bonner
- John L. Feldman
- First Baptist Church
- In Honor of Rosa Grout
- Frank H. Laundy – Class of 1951
- Lois (Price) Laundy – Class of 1951
- Gary & Carol McClellan Family
- In Memory of Karen M. McLean
- Thomas G. Robinson
- In Memory of Dennis Salo
- Marcia Schultz
- In Memory of Jack V. Somes
- John Venious
- 2018-2019
- John L Feldman
- First Baptist Church
- Ms Rosa Grout
- Helen Jenks – Class of 1957
- Ethel Joslin – Mathematics Teacher – Sault High
- Frank H Laundy – Class of 1951
- Lois (Price) Laundy – Class of 1951
- In Memory of Karen M McLean
- Colleen Riker McNeal – Loretto Class of 1961
- Thomas G Robinson
- Cheryl & John Venious
- John & Cheryl Venious
- Robert George Wescott
- 2017-2018
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- Fern & Gerald Coutant
- Roy C Levin
- Gary & Carol McClellan Family
- In Memory of Karen M McLean
- Floyd & Nancy Reno
- Thomas F & Ruth I Robinson
- Sault High Class of 1955
- Sault High Class of 1962
- Sault High Class of 1972
- Sault & Loretto Class of 1959
- In Honor of Karen Miles Stabile
- Michael TenEyck PE
- Anna & John Venious
- Mike TenEyck PE
- George & Frances Venious
- 2016-2017
- Ronald L Allaire
- Elizabeth (Betty) McMorris Baxter
- James R. Bonner
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown
- In Memory of Leon Eitrem
- Roy C Levin
- Dr. Clayton & Sharyn (Muluck) Mathews
- In Memory of Karen M McLean
- Dennis & Trudy Salo
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Mike TenEyck PE
- Harold & Donna Vollick
- Anna & John Venious
- Mike TenEyck PE
- George & Frances Venious
- 2015-2016
- Phyllis Atkins Agar
- Scott & Marci Baker
- Robert & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown
- Gordon & Harriett MacMaster
- Howard T Maki
- Dr. Clayton & Sharyn (Muluck)
Mathews - In Memory of Karen M McLean
- In Memory of Dale F Naramor
- In Memory of Randy Proffit
- Thomas and Harriette Robinson
- Sault-Loretto High School Class of 1957
- David & Debra (Stabile) Schweitzer
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Mike TenEyck PE
- George & Frances Venious
- 2014-2015
- Ronald Allaire SHS Class of 1948
- Elizabeth (Betty) McMorris Baxter
- James R Bonner
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown – Class of 1927
- In Memory of Leon Eitrem
- Roy C Levin
- Dr Clayton & Sharyn (Muluck) Mathews
- In Memory of Karen M McLean
- Dennis & Trudy Salo
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Mike TenEyck PE
- Harold & Donna Vollick
- David & Debra (Stabile) Schwitzer
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Mike TenEyck PE
- 2013-2014
- In Memory of Phyllis Atkins Agar
- Scott & Marci Baker
- Robert & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown – Class of 1927
- James Howie – HR 209 -1967
- Gordon & Harriett MacMaster
- Howard T Maki
- Dr Clayton & Sharyn (Muluck) Mathews
- In Memory Karen M McLean
- In Memory of Dale F Naramor
- In Memory of Randy Proffitt
- Thomas & Harriette Robinson
- Sault Loretto High School Class of 1957
- David & Debra (Stabile) Schwitzer
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Mike TenEyck PE
- 2012-2013
- James R Bonner
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown
- Patricia Claxton
- Charles & Elsie Cowell
- Thomas J & Donna M Krell
- Dr Clayton & Sharyn (Muluck) Mathews
- Ruth McMorris Oakes
- Sault High Class of 1963
- Marcia Kay (Vincent) Schultz
- Mike TenEyck PE
- In Memory of Alice W Wallace
- Harold & Donna Vollick
- David & Debra (Stabile) Schwitzer
- Charles Frederick Smith
- Mike TenEyck PE
- 2011-2012
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown
- David Hotton
- Thomas J and Donna M Krell
- Roy C Levin
- Dr Clayton & Sharyn Mathews
- In Memory of Karen M McLean
- Anne Traige Peters
- Allison Casady and Kate Rutter
- Sault High Class of 1947
- Sault High School Class of 1962
- Mike TenEyck PE
- In Memory of Emmett Tomcyek
- John & Carolyn (Hill) Witbrodt
- James & Margaret Young
- 2010-2011
- In Memory of Ruby Bean
- In Memory of John E Brown
- Earl & Verna Campbell
- Vernon A & Helen E Coutant
- In Honor of Michael T & Nancy A Gillotte
- Roy C Levin
- Gladys M Malette
- Dr Clayton & Sharyn Mathews
- In Memory of Karen McLean
- Steven & Pamela Rodenroth
- In Memory of Wendell Routhier
- Marvin E Tauriainen
- Mike TenEyck
- John & Carolyn (Hill) Witbrodt
- James & Margaret Young
- 2009-2010
- Bernard & Colleen Arbic
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- Frank Futchik
- Richard J LeBlanc
- In Memory of Karen Mary McLean
- Tawnia L (Bosbous) Reinhart – Loretto Class of 1965
- Robert L Reniger
- Sault & Loretto High – Class of 1960
- Sault High Class of 1947
- Sault High School Class of 1962
- Mike TenEyck PE
- In Memory of Emmett Tomcyek
- John & Carolyn (Hill) Witbrodt
- James & Margaret Young
- 2008-2009
- Scott & Marci Baker
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- In Memory of William J Brunet – Loretto Class of 1952
- In Memory of Jim & Dorothy Earle
- Thomas J & Donna M Krell
- Roy Levin
- In Memory of Karen Mary McLean
- S Arlen Oakes
- Howard W Palmer
- Michael B TenEyck
- In Memory of C P & Helen Wellington
- James Young
- J Roger Malette
- Karen Mary McLean
- In Memory of Lee Pappas
- Jean Peters
- Edna Jean Reich -Class of 1948
- Susan Marie Rich
- Blanche & Otis Rightmyer
- Mr & Mrs William Rye
- Sault Loretto High Class of 1947
- Jim & Ruth Seals
- Barbara Frances Arnold Shields
- Kathy Earle Starmer & Pati Earle Fall
- Michael B TenEyck
- Joy Willette-Baker
- 2007-2008
- Patricia A Artley
- Tony C Bonacci
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- Elsie & Charles Cowell
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- In Honor of Rosa L Grout
- Roy C Levin
- In Memory of Karen McLean
- Andrew & Beverly Rutter
Class of 1949 - Michael B TenEyck
- In Memory of C P & Helen Wellington
- James Young
- J Roger Malette
- Karen Mary McLean
- In Memory of Lee Pappas
- Jean Peters
- Edna Jean Reich -Class of 1948
- Susan Marie Rich
- Blanche & Otis Rightmyer
- Mr & Mrs William Rye
- Sault Loretto High Class of 1947
- Jim & Ruth Seals
- Barbara Frances Arnold Shields
- Kathy Earle Starmer & Pati Earle Fall
- Michael B TenEyck
- Joy Willette-Baker
- 2006-2007
- Dr John E Anderson
- Tony & Ethel Autore
- John D Babington
- In Memory of John E Brown – Class of 1927
- Lois O’Connor Colvin
- Fern & Jerry Coutant
- Russ & Barb Curtis
- Marvin S Dahlman
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- Nicholas & Vera Hotton
- In Memory of Joseph E LaCoursiere – Loretto Class of 1957
- Dr Robert E & Betty Rutter Lyon
- J Roger Malette
- Karen Mary McLean
- In Memory of Lee Pappas
- Jean Peters
- Edna Jean Reich -Class of 1948
- Susan Marie Rich
- Blanche & Otis Rightmyer
- Mr & Mrs William Rye
- Sault Loretto High Class of 1947
- Jim & Ruth Seals
- Barbara Frances Arnold Shields
- Kathy Earle Starmer & Pati Earle Fall
- Michael B TenEyck
- Joy Willette-Baker
- 2005-2006
- Scott & Sherri (Sims) Austin
- Warren & Ruth Benson
- Anthony & Joyce Bonacci
- In Memory of John E Brown
- In Memory of William J Brunet – Loretto Class of 1952
- Mr & Mrs Alexander Bush
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- George & Ingrid Gross
- Robert & Schirley Kline
- Roy & Arline Levin
- Adam Libertoski
- Karen M McLean
- Agnes Futchik Monkman
- Sault High Class of 1958
- Sault High & Loretto Class of 1951
- Marcia K (Vincent) Schultz
- Charles & Anita Steffens
- Maggie Trapasso
- 2004-2005
- Americo Bonacci
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- In Memory of William J Brunet- Loretto Class of 1952
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- Kenneth J Finlayson
- Joseph Futchik
- Victor A Knox
- In Memory of Thomas J Krell
- Dr Robert E & Betty Rutter Lyon
- Gordon & Harriett MacMaster
- In Honor of Blanche and Otis Rightmyer
- Virginia H Roell
- Evalyn Young Rohrkemper
- Marcia R Schreiner
- Thomas W Shirley
- Mr & Mrs Ben D Smallridge Sr
- Mel & Kathy Starmer
- Maggie Trapasso
- 2003-2004
- F John Allaire MD
- Anthony & Joyce Bonacci
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- Henry Futchik
- Don Howson
- Victor A Knox
- In Memory of Ross Levin – Sault High Class of 1938
- June M Oakes
- Richard Pratt
- Joseph Rose
- Sault High/Loretto Class of 1959
- Marcia R Schreiner
- Calvin Shields
- Bob & Margaret Shirley
- Thomas W Shirley
- In Honor of John & Delores Wellington
- Maggie Trapasso
- 2002-2003
- Robert M Aldrich
- Bertha Campbell Allen
- Donna M Barras-Berry MD
- Emelia & Frank DeLuca
- Irma Young Eastland
- Mildred Enich
- Richard & Deborah Faust
- Andrew Futchik
- Michael T & Nancy A Gillotte
- In Memory of Mary Barbara Vail Griffith
- Victor A Knox
- Barbara & John Kolbow
- In Memory of Harry C McMorris
- Jim & Pat Montero
- Stuart W Oakes
- James M Reinhard
- Sault/Loretto High School Class of 1947
- Jim & Ruth (Shirley) Seals
- Raymond & Wilma Smith & Family
- Robert W Jr and Margaret Shirley
- Thomas W Shirley
- George M Evelyn Spence Strickland
- J Manford Sutton
- Don & Sally Tampert
- Bruce A Wood Sr
- John G Widenhoefer
- 2001-2002
- In Memory of William H Atkinson
- Glen Seaman Bailey
- Dorothy Futchik Beaudrie
- Americo N Bonacci
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- Catherine McLeese Finlayson
- Jack Finlayson
- Pearl and George M. Fornnarino
- Victor A Knox
- Esther Lillian O’Connor
- Thomas W Shirley
- Phyllis Sims
- Elizabeth Jensen Smallridge
- Charles and Anita Steffens
- Don and Sally Tapert
- Frances Crane Viilo
- J Paul White
- Mr and Mrs Charles Woodard
- Raymond & Wilma Smith & Family
- Robert W Jr and Margaret Shirley
- Thomas W Shirley
- George M Evelyn Spence Strickland
- J Manford Sutton
- Don & Sally Tampert
- Bruce A Wood Sr
- John G Widenhoefer
- 2000-2001
- William H Atkinson
- Richard B Baxter
- Larry J Clement
- Gerald & Yvonne Fabry
- Rick and Sue Fitzpatrick
- Helene Futchik Johnson
- Andrea & Charlie Kahr
- Marjorie Kennedy
- Victor A Knox
- Ernest S Kranz
- Roy & Arline Levin
- Torrance M MacMillian
- Roger Malette
- Harold & Doreen McCaffery
- Susan Marie Brennen Mueller
- Roy O Nason
- Mary Esther (O’Connor) Nehls
- Stuart W & Ruth McMorris Oakes
- Darrell H Ojibway
- Darin Perrollaz
- Clare C Russell
- Sault High School Class of 1950
- Elwood Schrumpf
- Robert L Stephenson
- John F Wackman II
- John G Widenhoefer
- 1999-2000
- Ronald L Allaire
- Tony & Ethel Autore
- Mildred P Baker
- Helen Bonacci
- Percy C Bonacci
- Florence “Jean” MacLaren Bowman
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- Anna T & Lawrence J. DeLuca
- Elma Kasubeck Dickson
- Donald M & Margaret Finlayson
- Charles Graver
- Victor A Knox
- Janette MacLaren
- In Memory of Harold A McCaffery
- Edith MacLaren Radcliffe
- George & Linda Rousseau
- June Marie Jarvie Rutter
- Charles P Schwesinger
- Peter Sherman
- Freda Ramsey Smith
- Evangeline MacLaren Thwaites
- Dennis & Trudy Salo
- Robert W & Florence W Shirley
- Judson “Bucky” Swart
- Wesley M Viilo
- John & Dora Walton
- Erwin S & Edna M Williams
- 1998-1999
- Joseph B Andary
- George & Anna Barr
- Marion Barras
- Americo Bonacci
- Percy C Bonacci
- Demosthenes K Booth
- Jean C Boult
- Donald C Brown – Sault High Class of 1941
- Ted & Florence Caffey
- Marshall Coulter & Helen Porter
- Mr & Mrs Verne A Coutant
- Eunice Dalgleish
- Bill & Pat Donnelly
- Beulah A Frisk
- Lawrence J Futchik
- Charles Graver
- Janet & Chris Hess
- Victor A Knox
- Eva Maxwell McCormick
- Susan Marie Rich
- Betty Wygaard Rider
- Dennis & Trudy Salo
- Robert W & Florence W Shirley
- Judson “Bucky” Swart
- Wesley M Viilo
- John & Dora Walton
- Erwin S & Edna M Williams
- 1997-1998
- F John Allaire MD
- Andrew & Joyce Bonacci
- Bob & Karen Brawley
- John E Brown – Sault High Class of 1927
- Franklin & Irma Eastland
- Ralph & Lois Fabry
- Jack Finlayson
- William E Futchik
- Marjorie Anderson Holstad
- Victor A Knox
- Herbert W Levin
- L Ross Levin
- Theodore E Munson
- Dennis J Murphy
- William J Pakkala
- Mrs Gene Regenstreif
- Sault High Class of 1947
- Sault High Class of 1987
- Lorraine Sandie Teter
- Jane Cuthbert Tucker
- Philip & Beverly Youngs
- Dennis & Trudy Salo
- Robert W & Florence W Shirley
- Judson “Bucky” Swart
- Wesley M Viilo
- John & Dora Walton
- Erwin S & Edna M Williams
- 1996-1997
- John H & Catherine M Atkins
- Tony & Ethel Autore
- John Futchik
- Victor A Knox
- Jeanne Laamanen Levin
- L Ross Levin
- Theodore E Munson
- Art Newton
- Edwin B Peterson
- Susan Marie Rich
- Andrew & Ella Rutter
- William C & Amanda Hill
- Kelvin Kelley
- Victor A Knox
- Frances LaLonde
- Donald J Levin
- Jeanne Laamanen Levin
- Monica Tardiff Lynch
- Jim Myers
- Evelyn McMorris Reninger
- Susan Marie Rich
- Stephanie Savard
- Richard Smith
- David E Somes
- Charles & Anita Steffens
- 1995-1996
- Members of the Autore-Duff Families
- Helen Bonacci
- Alexander Bush
- Charles & Elsi Cowell
- Donald M Finlayson
- Victor A Knox
- Neil John Maki
- Edith E Ojibway
- William J Pakkala
- Nelson Donald Speck
- Kay Benson Wolfe
- William C & Amanda Hill
- Kelvin Kelley
- Victor A Knox
- Frances LaLonde
- Donald J Levin
- Jeanne Laamanen Levin
- Monica Tardiff Lynch
- Jim Myers
- Evelyn McMorris Reninger
- Susan Marie Rich
- Stephanie Savard
- Richard Smith
- David E Somes
- Charles & Anita Steffens
- 1994-1995
- Raymond Bedore
- Henry Belleau
- Ella Mae Bonacci
- Leonard & Eva Brawley
- Mr & Mrs Alex Bush
- Coach & Mrs H T Crane
- Ed & Ellen Dale
- Mattie Jensen Donnelly
- Salutatorial Class of 1937 – Ada Virginia Cuthbert Ellis
- James J Fenlon
- Herbert H Helman
- William C & Amanda Hill
- Kelvin Kelley
- Victor A Knox
- Frances LaLonde
- Donald J Levin
- Jeanne Laamanen Levin
- Monica Tardiff Lynch
- Jim Myers
- Evelyn McMorris Reninger
- Susan Marie Rich
- Stephanie Savard
- Richard Smith
- David E Somes
- Charles & Anita Steffens
- 1993-1994
- Gertrude Brown Baker
- Donald Dale Barr
- Mary Jane Bernier
- Charles “Chuck” Chadwick
- McPherson C Cuthbert
- Thelma Dalgleish
- Dale Gough
- Thomas Griggs
- Bernice E Malloy
- Anna Helen Morse
- Dennis Murphy
- Sophie R O’Connor
- Sault High Class of 1963
- David J Shields
- John TenEyck
- James Ashmun Trim
- Erwin S Williams
- William Ruffer
- Eric John Sheppard
- Irene P Traige Storer
- 1992-1993
- Jewell Alexander Andary
- J Henry Belleau
- Capt Howard J Bernier UAL
- Clarence George Bernier
- Beverly Brennen Booth
- Marvel-Jean Dahl Booth
- James H Boult
- Sam Dubow
- Hope S Frederick
- Anna Futchik
- Hugh Philip Gaston
- Mr & Mrs R J L’Huillier
- Bill McGovern
- Owen “Tuffy” Murphy
- Katharine D Nevitt
- Arthur H Newton
- Edwin B Peterson
- William Ruffer
- Eric John Sheppard
- Irene P Traige Storer
- 1991-1992
- Mabel B Agar
- Harvey F Ball
- James H Boult
- Coralie Booth Gustafson
- Richard O Gustafson
- Maurice Hunt
- Ruth B Hunt
- Hilma Kempainen
- Victor A Knox
- Ray & Nancy Piirainen
- Mr & Mrs George R Shields
- Marjorie Lapish Silva
- Sault High Class of 1963
- David J Shields
- John TenEyck
- James Ashmun Trim
- Erwin S Williams
- William Ruffer
- Eric John Sheppard
- Irene P Traige Storer
- 1990-1991
- Mary McGrath Booth
- A John Brennen
- Stuart Dalgleish
- John Futchik
- Thomas E Hallesy
- Christopher John Harrington
- Thomas F Robinson
- Mr & Mrs Andrew H Rutter
- James H Smallridge
- M Katharyne Sutton
- Jerome Toler
- Mr & Mrs Harry McMorris
- Henry L Miller
- Theodore E Munson
- Milton Scherer
- 1989-1990
- Carol O Barton
- Anthony D Booth
- Constantine D Booth
- Denny J Booth
- Mabel Shaker booth
- Marianthi D Booth
- Mr & Mrs Jay W Gerrie
- Arne Haapala
- Nicholas & Vera Hotton
- Georgia Booth Kafcas
- Lucille B Levin
- Mr & Mrs Harry McMorris
- Henry L Miller
- Theodore E Munson
- Milton Scherer
- 1988-1989
- Jewell Andary
- Paula Seppala Anderson
- Jerry H Bonnee
- C O Brown
- Clifford Chadwick
- Vic DesJardins Sr
- Alois & Ruth Goetz
- Barbara James
- Dale Wixson Johnson
- William & Lucinda Rudell
- Ann Booth Smith
- T Stuart Smith
- John W Smart
- Violet Bayliss Vail
- Kay Benson Wolfe