Support our Lakers while they’re on the road!

Some of the best bonding moments for our Laker athletic teams happen during team meals throughout the season. These meals help the team become a family and are crucial for their growth and unity. To support this important tradition, Laker Athletics is offering Laker athletic alumni and supporters the opportunity to sponsor team meals during the season. Sponsoring a team meal will achieve three goals:
  • Allow resources to be directed to crucial areas needed to help the team compete.
  • Show the current team that athletic alumni and supporters are actively giving back to support them.
  • Inspire Laker athletic alumni and supporters to give back to the program.
As a part of this program, alumni and supporters who sponsor a team meal will receive social media recognition, thanking them for their support on a specific weekend.  Click the link below of the team you wish to support!

If you have additional questions, please contact Andrew Rubinstein at [email protected] or (906) 635-6219.