In 1989, Robert Walker, consummate traveler of seven continents and dedicated career educator, established this named scholarship to honor his parents Earl and Minnie, longtime residents and community leaders in Strongs, Mich. Earl is remembered as “Slippery” Walker, professional wrestler of the 1930s. He was a subject in John T. Nevill’s book, Wanderings, which offered tales of northern Michigan. Earl was also known as one of the last of the old-time politicians who took a personal interest in every person of his district. He served as a democrat in the local political spectrum for more than 50 years. Minnie, in addition to raising four sons and two daughters, was the Strongs, MI postmaster for 30 years. Upon his death in 2001, Robert continued his family’s legacy by naming LSSU as a beneficiary of his estate. Successful candidates must demonstrate academic excellence.